
The command input requires a path to the directory that holds the contact files. For example:

alas --insert-days 3 --schedule-contacts contacts plan.md

This command might insert new contact tasks for today:

# My Plan

## Inbox

- [ ] #home - Fix the lamp

## 2020-08-01, Saturday

- [ ] Contact John Doe
- [ ] Congratulate birthday to Marry Doe
- [X] Pay bills

Note: Alas will insert contact tasks only for days that are already present in the plan. If a day doesn’t exist, --schedule-contacts won’t insert a day. This means that it’s best to use --schedule-contacts in combination with --insert-days. Alas will make sure that --insert-days is always executed before --schedule-contacts.

Missed Birthday Reminders

If you don’t run Alas every day, it’s possible to miss scheduling a birthday reminder. If a birthday reminder scheduling is missed, the task will be scheduled the next time you execute --schedule-contacts.

Missed tasks are marked. For example - Congratulate birthday to Jane (missed on 2022-09-05).